Plasma Active Entering Beta
Plasma Active进入Beta阶段
posted by Elv13 on Fri 2nd Sep 2011 21:58 UTC
发表于:2011年9月3日 北京时间05:58
"At the beginning of this year, the Plasma team was itching to extend Plasma's coverage of the device spectrum. We already had Desktop and Netbook interfaces, and while maintaining and incrementally improving those, we wanted to show case the possibilities of Plasma by creating a full fledged touch interface for devices."
“在今年年初, 开发组急切地想扩展Plasma的设备支持覆盖范围。到目前为止,我们已经有了桌面的和上网本的界面,并且在维护与不断提升它们的过程中,希望能通过 ,来展示出Plasma的所有可能。
Plasma Desktop
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